So-called " a street motorcycle "is a Chinese popular saying ,you can tr***el around China by it , not limited on "street", you can go wherever you like .
According to your question, the motorcycle you want is not expensive ,not first class brand,
but you must h***e it registered by the traffic police, Only by this way can you h***e a number plate ,see man ?
so I really recommend one for you ,which is in line with your request, it's even more popular among motorcycle fans nationwide practically ,it's the brand "Kiden".
Firstly ,the only brand I wanna recommend : "Kiden",which is made in Jiangmen , Guangdong province, very much popular among motorcycle fans, including me .
Secondly, Kiden motorcycles are yours, not bad ,better word of mouth, you'd better h***e a thousand reasons to own one ,see man ?
Thirdly,the price of most Kiden motorcycles is six thousand to seven thousand Yuan RMB ,is it ok , man ?
bye for now , I'm Jack ,
Sinecerely yours .
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